Boonstra Real Estate Agency

Boonstra Real Estate agency came to us looking for a way to grow their business. We analyzed their workflow and found ways to make it more efficient. Now they can focus on what matters most: generating sales and finding customers. We helped them take their business to the next level.

The challenge

Follow-up customers

Saving time

Generate content

What we have achieved

Clear overview of active customers

Gained 12 hours a week

Automatic generating display images

How skill it helped

Project management

Boonstra Real Estate used to do customer tracking manually, which was very time consuming and created a lot of extra work for them. We solved this problem by using a project manager (ClickUp) and having all their properties tracked automatically. This way they can focus on their business and not have to worry about the logistics of customer tracking.

  • Automatic assignment to the right seller
  • Visual representation of properties in ClickUp
  • Create task lists automatically
  • Easy access to all owner data, leads and tasks
screenshot yungo

Create slides for the showcase

Boonstra Real Estate had to deal with a lot of data on a daily basis. We introduced Google slides to ensure that the new properties automatically diplay on the tv. This way, we can keep track of all the latest additions and make sure that our clients always have access to the most recent information.

  • Automatically create slides for the display
  • Automatic file creation
slides aanmaak

Do you want an automated workflow that can help your business grow?

Get in touch with us anytime 

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Curious about how Steven can optimize your workflow?

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Watertorenstraat 57
3950 Bocholt

VAT BE0541.783.602